小白一枚,曾经做访问量项目的时候经常会用到最简单的 “字段”+1 方式存储访问,这样无疑加重了数据库的工作量,并且数据也不够精确准确,在浏览扩展包教程发现了一个好东西并运用到了项目上面
他的功能主要用于 区分IP访问次数就是我最需要的了!!!tag也是用于区别存储信息很重要的东西
$ composer require awssat/laravel-visits
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Awssat\Visits\VisitsServiceProvider"
'redis' => [
'client' => 'predis',
'default' => [
'laravel-visits' => [
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''),
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
'database' => 3, // anything from 1 to 15, except 0 (or what is set in default)
public function getEncyclopedia($id)
$list=new Encyclopedium();
return $list->where('id',$id)->first(['id','title','quarry','created_at','textarea'])->toarray();
public function getEncyclopediaList($stage_id,$cate_id)
$list=new Encyclopedium();
foreach ($list as $k=>$v) {
$list[$k]['count_read']=visits(new Encyclopedium(),$list[$k]['id'])->count();
return $list;
return [
| Database Engine & Connection Name
| Supported Engines: "redis", "eloquent"
| Connection Name: see config/database.php
'engine' => 'redis',
'connection' => 'laravel-visits',
| Counters periods
| Record visits (total) of each one of these periods in this set (can be empty)
'periods' => [
| Redis prefix
'keys_prefix' => 'visits',
| Remember ip for x seconds of time
| Will count only one visit of an IP during this specified time.
'remember_ip' => 24 * 60 * 60,
| Always return uncached fresh top/low lists
'always_fresh' => false,
| Ignore Crawlers
| Ignore counting crawlers visits or not
'ignore_crawlers' => true,
| Global Ignore Recording
| stop recording specific items (can be any of these: 'country', 'refer', 'periods', 'operatingSystem', 'language')
'global_ignore' => ['country'],